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Historic Kart Demonstrations

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Demonstration Time!

The British Historic Karting Club hold demonstrations on their own 300m track so make sure you stop by to see this machines whipping around the course.

The karts out on track will be direct drive and gearbox karts ranging from 1960 to 1997, many driven by those who raced them back in the day.

The demonstrations will take place on Saturday & Sunday

Morning session: 11:00 - 12:00pm 

Afternoon sessions: 13:00 - 14:00pm

15:00 - 16:00pm

About Historic Karting

Since 2000 Historic Karting has boomed from humble beginnings to become one of the biggest movements in the karting world. In the early years of the British Historic Kart Club just a few old karts would turn out during lunch breaks at karting meetings for a demonstration run, but these days Historic karting is also involved with many of the major Historic Car Racing Festivals, Motorsport Shows and Nostalgia events. There are also a number of race series organised for karts from 1960 to the year 2000 with fully supported grids and very competitive racing.

Karting has been important to the world of Motorsport ever since the first karts raced around the car parks of Califorina. It is assumed that it is a modern phenomenon that a cadet karting apprenticeship is critical to get to the top in motorsport. Less well known is that the likes of Graham Hill, Jack Brabham & Bruce Mclaren all took part in the very earliest UK karting events. Graham Hill won the first official Kart event at Lakenheath in 1959 driving kart built by the Lotus F1 engineers. Stirling Moss represented the UK at the first Karting World Championship in the Bahamas in 1962 and was co-director of a kart manufacturer. Many of the F1 drivers throughout the 60s to the present day have a karting history.

If you want to re-kindle past karting experiences or wish to become involved in Historic Karting it’s probably a lot easier than you think. Kart demonstration or taking part in one of the Historic Kart racing series can be one of the cheapest, easiest to start out in and most rewarding forms of motorsport. There is a full calendar of events and shows and racing throughout the whole year for gearbox and direct drive karts to take part in. Come and visit us in the paddock and we will gladly introduce you to our karts and clubs. If you have an old kart or engine tucked away in the garage or shed we would be particularly keen to take it off your hands.

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